
We’re a global Automation and Artificial Intelligence advisory company.

We enable AI-powered automation to transform and deploy digital workforce which is flawless and productive enough to be doing their job with zero errors and many times the productivity.

We help small, medium and large enterprises to analyze, structure and deploy a digital workforce and archive cost efficiency and almost instant Return on Investment (ROI).

AI & Automation
Consulting Services
Cloud and Data Analytics
QA & DevOps
Call to ask any question +1 (516) 268-1182
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We position our clients at the forefront of their field by advanced services.

We bring more than 20 years’ senior experience forging collaborations across government, private sector and international forums.

Consultio is a professional consulting company

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goiku ssimos ducimus qui blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque corrupti quos.

2nd Feb, 2018

Exhibition Planning & Exhibition Management

21st Jul, 2018

Growth internationallyfirst half of the 2018s

19th Aug, 2018

The purpose of the business plan

2nd Jan, 2019

Focus business history on what matters to planning

22nd Sep, 2019

History to Unite and Inspire People

12th Jan, 2018

Establishment of Constrio

8th Jul, 2018

Registered as a construction company

18th Aug, 2018

Construction bought the Greek company Delta

27th Sep, 2018

For lean business plans, operational plans, and strategic plans

8th Jul, 2019

Award winner

We have many reviews from our satisfied clients.

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